Category Archives: Windows Workflow Foundation

Migrating WF Application to Azure via Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles

While wrapping up my demos for my presentation “Moving WF applications to Azure”, I decided to repackage my demos using Windows Azure Accelerator to conserve the number of Web Roles I was using in Azure. 

A quick summary of the issue is as follows:

  1. Create a Windows Azure Accelerator project, and upload it to Azure (Steps performed according to instructions provided by WAA)
  2. From the base address (i.e. <application>, create a IIS Site name.  I just typed a random, non-active hostname for the Hostname, as I was intending to use the test link instead.
  3. Create a Windows WF 4.0 project, and browse to it. The generated screen with a link to the WSDL is displayed.image
  4. Publish the WF Application to the IIS web site.  It doesn’t matter if the deployment is marked as an IIS application.image
  5. Browse to the test site where a page showing that metadata publishing is disabled. (i.e the /test/testwf/ location, rather than from the host name)image
  6. No amount of web.config changes will enable the metadata publishing, such as an example below.image

Logging onto the Azure Web Role instance revealed the following IIS setup.


I’m guessing that the test sites use URL Rewrite, but somehow the web.config is not picked up.

What finally worked for me is as follows:

  1. Get a DNS Alias (CNAME) to point to my base cloud application, e.g. using a free domain name from
  2. Reconfigure WAA to accept the new Host Nameimage
  3. Browse to the WF Service using the Site address instead of the test site address, and voila, the no configuration setup now works.
  4. image

I hope this helps someone save a couple of hours of sleep.  Now onto figuring out Azure Composite Applications.

Presentation: "Moving WF Applications to Azure”


My presentation "Moving WF Applications to Azure" to the Azure User Group Singapore ( on 29th Nov 2011 covered the following topics:
– What is Window Workflow Foundation?
– What are the features, and how does one implement them?
– Why is it relevant to applications moving into Azure?
– What are my migration / development options for using WF in Azure?


Slides have been uploaded to Slideshare:

Demo codes have been uploaded to Azure Storage
– WFSoln:
– AzureWFSoln:

[Updated] Migrations using Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles has been resolved.  Please take a look at

Windows Workflow Receive Activity–Parameter Behaviour

I recently had an experience where I had created a workflow service that was invoked using a channel factory and accepts 2 String arguments. However, after some base component refactoring, and porting the old workflow use the new components, the invocation failed with incorrect numbers of parameters.

I came across Ron Jacob’s post on making WF Services work like WCF and did a small spike project based on this blog post :


Definition image
WCF Test Client Proxy image
XML Message image


The corresponding WF Service was created, and I updated the Receive configuration to use parameters, but the behaviour did not yet match that of the WCF method.

  Workflow Service
Definition image
Receive Configuration image


Apparently, the Send Parameters also has to be configured so that the behaviour is consistent.

  WF / Non-WCF behaviour WF / WCF behaviour
Send Configuration image image
WCF Test Client Proxy image image
XML Message image


With this change on my workflow, my channel factory invocation now works again!